About the JSQCA

The Journal Square Community Association’s mission is to promote a clean, green, and safe Journal Square. We advocate for the rights and interests of residents and celebrate the rich history of the area. Our non-profit association is open to all residents of Jersey City. Come join us, meet your neighbors, and find out what’s happening in this vibrant community.

Get Involved


Meetings are open to the public and are a great opportunity to meet your neighbors, find out what is happening in the community, and have your share your voice. We have also had experts come in to educate residents on topics such as the property revaluation and tenants' rights.

Guest speakers have included Mayor Steven Fulop, State Senator Brian Stack, county commissioners Bill O’Dea and Yraida Aponte-Lipski, and Councilman Richard Boggiano.

Meetings are held on the second Saturday of every month at 10 AM. During the summer months we hold our meetings on the second Monday of each month at 7 PM.

Individual Membership

Membership in the Journal Square Community Association is only $25 per person annually.  Membership affords you a vote in board elections, statements of support or protest being offered by the organization, as well as any other formal votes that occur that impact the direction and affiliations of the organization.  The New JSQ is a registered 501 (c)(3), so membership cost is tax deductible. Membership must be renewed every calendar year.

Become a member today

Business Membersh

Businesses located in the Journal Square area have the opportunity to join JSQCA as members by paying a fee of $100 per business on a yearly basis. By becoming a member, businesses can enjoy various advantages such as networking opportunities, increased promotion for their services or products, active participation in community events, access to meeting updates and essential materials, valuable resources, and the satisfaction of contributing to the enhancement of Journal Square.

Become a member today!


The JSQ Community Association is a registered 501 (c)(3) Non-Profit organization. All money donated goes to the operation and activities of the Association. These costs include sponsored events such as debates and historical walking tours. Also, the Association provides light refreshments at monthly meetings. As well as hosting community social events. Aside from membership dues, the Association has no other revenue streams. Any donation would go a long way toward increasing events, activities and programming that The New JSQ can provide to the community.

Donate today



Aims to ensure that sidewalks, streets, and properties within our boundaries are clean, litter-free, and properly maintained through education and enforcement. Chair: Renee Tirella Cassidy

Communications & Outreach

Coordinates communications with the community and members. It also seeks to expand the membership base of JSQCA, with an emphasis on increasing diversity of the membership. Chairs: Margaret Doman & George Zalepa

Construction & Planning (CAP)

Works closely with the city officials, as well as collaborates with developers, to ensure that new construction projects in the neighborhood are optimized to provide the maximum public benefit. Chair: Chris Lamm


Has a dual focus: parks, including the Bergen Arches, Courthouse Park, and Pavonia/Marion Park, and environmental sustainability. It works closely with the city’s Office of Sustainability and citizens’ groups focused on the environment. Chair: Megan Santosusso


Seeks to engage, educate, and inspire residents about the rich history of Journal Square through speaking series and walking tours. It is the lead organizer for the annual Bergen Square Day. Chair: James Dievler


Acting as an intermediary connecting the community members with law enforcement, this committee also spearheads initiatives aimed at enhancing the overall safety of the neighborhood by implementing various projects focused on improving street security measures. Chairs: Renee Tirella Cassidy and Mary Miraglia


Advocates for the safety and needs of pedestrians, cyclists, users of mass transportation, and drivers of Journal Square. With a focus on traffic safety, walkability, and public transit access, works closely with the city’s offices of transportation planning and traffic engineering as well as the multitude of transportation agencies serving the community. Chair: Adam Cohen

Next Meeting

April 13, 2023, 10:00 AM
HCCC Library Atrium, 71 Sip Ave., 6th Floor


Business Directory

A regularly updated list of local Journal Square (and beyond) businesses

Tenant’s Rights

Resources to aid tenants in exercising their rights


Crime prevention, pedestrian & bike safety

Minutes and Bylaws

Learn more about the workings of the JSQCA

Maps and Guides

Resources for residents to plan their day

Bergen Arches

Learn more about the current and future plans
for Ward C’s soon-to-be largest green space.